As of 2024-09-11, the Fair Value of HomeStreet Inc (HMST) is -19.69 USD. This value is based on the Peter Lynch's Fair Value formula. With the current market price of 15.03 USD, the upside of HomeStreet Inc is -231.00%.
Note: valuation result may not be accurate due to the company's negative EPS.
Peter Lynch's formula is:
The earnings growth rate we use in the formula is the average growth rate of net income/earnings over the last 5 years. If the average growth rate is smaller than 5%, we set it to 5%. If it is larger than 25%, we set it to 25%. If the TTM EPS is negative, Peter Lynch Fair Value's result can be unreliable.
Historical Earnings | ||||||
2019-12-31 | 2020-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2023-12-31 | 5Y Avg | |
Net income | 17.50 | 80.00 | 115.40 | 66.50 | -27.51 | 50.38 |
YoY growth | -56.25% | 357.14% | 44.25% | -42.37% | -141.37% | 32.28% |
Market Cap (mil) | 283.47 |
P/E | |
Forward P/E |
EPS | -0.79 |
Avg earnings growth rate | 32.28% |
TTM earnings | -14.85 |