As of 2024-12-13, the Fair Value of Old Republic International Corp (ORI) is 92.51 USD. This value is based on the Peter Lynch's Fair Value formula. With the current market price of 36.21 USD, the upside of Old Republic International Corp is 155.49%.
Peter Lynch's formula is:
The earnings growth rate we use in the formula is the average growth rate of net income/earnings over the last 5 years. If the average growth rate is smaller than 5%, we set it to 5%. If it is larger than 25%, we set it to 25%. If the TTM EPS is negative, Peter Lynch Fair Value's result can be unreliable.
Historical Earnings | ||||||
2019-12-31 | 2020-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2023-12-31 | 5Y Avg | |
Net income | 1,056.50 | 558.90 | 1,534.40 | 686.50 | 598.80 | 887.02 |
YoY growth | 185.08% | -47.10% | 174.54% | -55.26% | -12.77% | 48.90% |
Market Cap (mil) | 9,181.41 |
P/E | 9.79x |
Forward P/E | 14.73x |
EPS | 3.70 |
Avg earnings growth rate | 48.90% |
TTM earnings | 938.30 |